June 4, 2009

Well I’m off for 3 weeks in Bali. Hoping for a safe (15 hour) drive and an enjoyable time with my wife and daughters. Will be paragliding, visiting the beach on a daily basis and eating great food. CAN’T WAIT !!

God bless you all.

Getting Excited About It !

June 2, 2009

There is a seen in the movie Brave heart where 2 armies are facing off against each other and they both take turns trying to intimidate the other. They parade before their enemy and insult them and yell at them. African tribes would beat drums and hit their shields as they marched on an enemy. Allied soldiers would sound a horn and charge screaming over the trenches in world war two.

These things are very common on the battlefield. Many famous tacticians have stood by the fact that if you can intimidate your enemy you have them half beaten. People who have been in battle talk about the battle lust when your adrenaline is pumping and the noise surrounds you, your friends are charging with you and you lose all care and respect for life.

The psychological aspect of this is very easy to understand. As you yell and scream and chant you are gaining confidence. When your confidence and adrenaline are at a high, you charge into the battle as a fierce opponent.

Do you get pumped up in your battle with the devil ? When you are tempted, cast him out of your life ! Proclaim that he has no hold, no effect on you ! Get angry at him ! Shout at him! Tell him you belong to Jesus and you answer to Your King alone !

If your blood boils when you think about the way the devil tries to trick and deceive you, don’t stand for it ! Praise the name of Jesus, Amen !

What Do You Really KNOW About God ? ……Part THREE….

June 1, 2009

The thing to remember is that God never changes, he is completely trustworthy and the same yesterday, today and tomorrow BUT we must not allow our preconceptions to interfere in what God wants from us NOW.

We must have a RELATIONSHIP with Him. We must communicate (speak, listen) on a daily basis. Our assumptions and preconceptions of God lead us astray. We need to be ready to receive orders and carry them out, like an elite soldier tuned in to a superior officer.

Someone else’s revelation is of some benefit but it is of no use unless you know what God wants YOU to understand. Having a third party relationship is no relationship at all. Too many Christians rely on their pastor to describe God for them.

YOU must invest in your own relationship with God. YOU must dig into His word. YOU must knock and seek. YOU must thirst after Him. YOU must persist until you succeed.

You don’t need another church service, another alter call, another renowned Christian speaker or spiritual revival. You need to get on your knees and pour your heart out to YOUR Lord and savior. He will listen. Amen