Getting Excited About It !

June 2, 2009

There is a seen in the movie Brave heart where 2 armies are facing off against each other and they both take turns trying to intimidate the other. They parade before their enemy and insult them and yell at them. African tribes would beat drums and hit their shields as they marched on an enemy. Allied soldiers would sound a horn and charge screaming over the trenches in world war two.

These things are very common on the battlefield. Many famous tacticians have stood by the fact that if you can intimidate your enemy you have them half beaten. People who have been in battle talk about the battle lust when your adrenaline is pumping and the noise surrounds you, your friends are charging with you and you lose all care and respect for life.

The psychological aspect of this is very easy to understand. As you yell and scream and chant you are gaining confidence. When your confidence and adrenaline are at a high, you charge into the battle as a fierce opponent.

Do you get pumped up in your battle with the devil ? When you are tempted, cast him out of your life ! Proclaim that he has no hold, no effect on you ! Get angry at him ! Shout at him! Tell him you belong to Jesus and you answer to Your King alone !

If your blood boils when you think about the way the devil tries to trick and deceive you, don’t stand for it ! Praise the name of Jesus, Amen !

The Biggest Loser

May 5, 2009

I have been watching episodes of ‘The Biggest Loser’ on TV. The transformation of some of the people is truly astounding. When some of them start the show they are very, very overweight.

When asked why they want to be on the show, almost none of them respond “ To win the prize money” Their responses are almost uniformly “ Because I know if I don’t lose weight I will die ! I want to be around for my family”

The contestants  go through a rigorous eating and workout routine and the results they see each week are generally very good.

The whole thing reminded me of a quote from ‘Crude Impact’ :

“Human beings only seem to seek extreme solutions when faced with extreme problems.”

Here’s one for you …..GOING TO HELL !

That is the most extreme problem anyone could ever face. A friend of mine said if he could do anything to evangelize people he wouldn’t show them Heaven or how great God’s love is, he would take them to hell for 5 minutes ! The cool thing is that even though the problem we face is so extreme, the solution is not. Just believe ! Open your heart to Jesus and do your best to walk in His ways. He will do the rest.

God bless You!


April 5, 2009

If you are asking for verses to prove to you that you should tithe or you want someone to explain to you why you have to tithe then your heart is in the wrong place.

The reason you tithe is because you love God and He is your number one priority. It says “God, I love you and I trust you. You have given me everything I have and it is an honor for me to give a portion of it back to you.” If you have $100 a week coming in and you say “I don’t have enough money to tithe” you would almost definitely say the same thing with $1,000 a week.

I listened to someone share once and he said “Yeah well, when my tithe was only a few hundred dollars a month it was easy to give but now my tithe can be tens of thousands of dollars, it is hard to give away that money when you realize it could but a house!!”

It doesn’t matter how much money you have. Without God it is worthless. It doesn’t matter if you have to or don’t. What matters is that God should be your number one priority. If by tithing you cannot afford to get a new car, don’t get a new car!!

There are many benefits to tithing. When you break the power money has over you, you become capable of prioritizing your life correctly…1st God, 2nd family, 3rd work, 4th ministry (for most). You can also truly see how God looks after you and provides for you. And you get to be a part of doing God’s work and building His kingdom.

God Bless You

A Tactical Battle

April 3, 2009

Ephesians 6: 11-12
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

I love how the word ‘schemes’ is used in this verse…’the devil’s schemes’. We are in a battle and it is not against an enemy with honor or pride. He doesn’t fight fair and he is not stupid, he knows what works! The devil uses our weaknesses, he is patient and cunning and his favorite tactic is to get us to undermine and defeat ourselves. He is persistent and he schemes constantly in order to bring our walk with God undone.

There is an old saying “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail” We need to be aware of our weaknesses and use strategies to avoid them or, even better, turn them into strengths. You have to go proactive on your war with the devil. If you are goaded by a lust of money you have to break that desire. Give your money away, pay your tithe and then some, develop a habit of choosing God over finances, cut back on your work and spend more time with your family.

If you are temped to watch pornography or cheat on your partner, declare to the devil and yourself that you WILL NOT DO IT!! If there is a person at your office or in your social circle that is tempting you, intentionally limit your exposure to that person. Don’t temp fate and flirt with sin by thinking you are strong enough to keep it under control. If pornography is the problem, get rid of your internet or find alternate activities to fill your time.

Tuesday afternoon is the only day of the week when I get home from work to an empty house. My daughter is at ballet class. It is pretty much the only regular time I have to myself at home. When I found that I was thinking about the dvds I could put on when I had that privacy I made the decision not to leave myself open to the temptation. I changed my workout days and I went from work straight to the ballet school to wait with my wife rather than being tempted.

In Ephesians 6 it also talks about putting on ‘the full armor of God’. Pray, read His word and make sure you fellowship. The prayers of the righteous are powerful.

Whatever you do, make sure you do something!! Don’t leave yourself vulnerable. You may be strong enough 9 times out of 10 but it only takes 1 time out of 10 to do serious damage to your marriage or your career or your walk with God. We are in a war be a tactical fighter and remember that the spirit that lives in you is greater than the spirit that resides in the world.


Greek vs Roman vs Jewish vs Modern Education

April 1, 2009

The Greeks were the first society to have a form of education as we know it today. They would sit around and ponder and share their ideas…philosophy. The Romans took the next step. They ‘trained’ people for positions in the empire. The Jews meanwhile would be assigned ‘teachers’ and would spend much of their childhood in the presence of a Rabbi learning the Holy scriptures and about the nature of God.

Each of these ‘systems’ of education has positive points but which form of education do you think is most prevalent in today’s society ?……….. We use a blend but I think most people will agree we lean heavily toward the Roman system with a portion of Greek and a sprinkling of Jewish IF you have enrolled your kids in a Christian school or are lucky enough to have them at a school that still allows prayer and teaches them something of God.

So what do our schools focus on ? The priority is overwhelmingly pushing children towards a position in the ‘empire’. We no longer do it as blatantly as the industrial evolution era education system, we have developed an appreciation of multiple intelligences and the individuals ability to grow and develop BUT we are still building our children up to become successful consumerists.

I don’t know about you but when I look at the crude oil crisis, global warming, the economic crisis and the plight of tribal communities, deforestation etc I get an overwhelming sense that consumerism IS NOT GOOD ! We need to change our priorities as a race from earning and spending money to learning how to live sustainably and more importantly spiritually. I think now, more than ever there is a real need for our children to be educated about how important it is NOT to live their lives chasing money but chasing God, not ‘taking their eyes from Jesus’, ‘running the race to the end well’ knowing that we will receive our reward at the finish line when we receive a crown from our king.

I’ll leave you with words of wisdom from that ever useful source of wisdom, a bumper sticker “Life is not a job”

GBU and if you are a parent, please remember you are responsible for your child’s education. Don’t just pay the fees and think it is dealt with. Take a keen interest and be an educator. Teach them, especially about God. Question them. Cause them to think. Help them to pray. Instill and impart the right values to them (which you can only do by spending time with them) Invest in your children but most of all LOVE them and make sure they hear it and believe it and know it every moment of every day.

“ The Miracle of Hope – The Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers “

March 27, 2009

I watched a documentary called “ The Miracle of Hope – The Brooklyn Tabernacle Singers “

It is about a prison ministry in Angola, Louisiana. There are many great testimonies such as :

“Bishop” Eugene Tanniehill – convicted and imprisoned in1956 at the age of 21. He gave his life to God and was freed after 51 years.

I have had a strong desire to start a prison ministry for some time now. I was looking into it with two Indonesian pastors when I made a comical error. We were speaking Indonesian and I told them that I had wanted to ‘go into prison’ for a long time. They laughed and said they hoped it was to minister.

A man in Australia was charged with having child porn on his laptop. The interesting part was that computer experts could prove that he had not accessed the files in over three years. A man was recently released after spending 27 years in jail for a crime they can now prove he didn’t commit.
An 11 year old boy shot the pregnant fiancé of his father and is expected to be tried as an adult. He could face life in prison.

What sort of response is that ???? 11 year old boys in broken homes have emotional, hormonal and psychological problems. When their fathers buy them ‘youth-model shotguns’ who is to blame when they do something erratic? Why should a 20,30,40,50 year old man sit in jail for something he did when he was 11 years old ?

A more appropriate response in my opinion would be to outlaw firearms or charge the father with irresponsible handling of a fire arm or something more constructive.

Statistics prove beyond a doubt that prisons fail to rehabilitate people. In fact, in some parts of America, the reoffending rate is as high as 80%. Well over the majority of prisoners in American prisons will be released in the next 10 years. What sort of people will they be? Experience tells us they will be angrier, more violent, more alienated and more prone to commit crime than before they went in.

Thousands of children grow up in environments and circumstances that leave them with a huge statistical probability to be dead or in prison before they hit their mid 20s. Greed and consumerism leads to sections of the community being alienated. Those people have very little hope or chance of overcoming the roles society has prepared for them and who is to blame?

So many people end up I prison before they know what they are even doing with their life. By the time they work out it is too late.
The versus read to a person before they are executed in America are :

Genisis 9:6
“Whoever sheds the blood of man,
by man shall his blood be shed;
for in the image of God
has God made man.

Romans 13:1-6
1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. 4For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience.

We are all sinners. In God’s eyes sin is sin. These are complex issues but one fact is beyond argument…our society is crumbling. Its not working. Consumerism is horrible. Communism doesn’t work…Oh, blessed be the day when we shed these earthly vessels and put on the robes He has prepared for us…but until then, what can you do to create a bit of change ? To bring a bit of love into someone’s life ? To be a mentor to someone ? To build a bit of His kingdom on earth ?

Whatever it is I pray it will be successful beyond your wildest expectations and His name will be glorified to the ends of the earth. Amen

Yearn4God Update

March 26, 2009

Some friends and I have started a ministry called Yearn4God. We have a website and have been building up our missionary work. Here is an update of what we have planned for 2009. Please keep us in your prayers. GBU

Our main focus has been trying to get our legal status as a foundation solidified. We are now at the point where we have a legally registered foundation and a bank account. The final step is to complete the lawyer’s fees and the process will be complete. This will give us a much stronger status from which to work and we will be able to put assets under the control of the foundation. It also means we can hire staff and legally run a charity, school, church and other operations in Indonesia (with appropriate further paperwork)

Jos has been attending a course on fundraising strategies and we intend to hold a seminar for people associated with Y4G and other interested parties. During the seminar, Jos will share the knowledge he has gained. The seminar will hopefully be some time in March or April.

We have had 2 fellowship since the retreat in November of 2008. One of them was last week (12/3/09). We distributed the results from the spiritual gifting test we did at the retreat. The kids also shared about their dreams and goals and prayed for each other. Krisma gave his salvation testimony and a few others testified about how great God is.

Throughout the year of 2009 we hope to continue having regular fellowships for the participants of the 2007 CHARGED retreat and the 2008 JESUS POWERED retreat as well as other children from Ada Hari Esok and Rumah Sejati orphanages. We are yet to meet and evaluate the possibility of having another retreat this year. A possibility may be to use the money for school fees and hold an over night event within Surabaya.

We have a close relationship with some people who have been working for over a year to begin a school for disadvantaged children. In January, the school opened 2 branches on opposite sides of Surabaya. They have 12 and 15 kindergarten students respectively. The children come mostly from families that survive by collecting and sorting rubbish. Our hope is to provide more information about the school and all involved with the aim of supporting their ministry. There are many areas we could help, from providing education materials, food or medicine, to teacher training and family seminars.

We all have a strong desire to help children, teens and adults with education. The statistics for Indonesia are appalling ! Around 50% of people to not go above a grade 6, primary school education. Our hope is to provide school fees, books, uniforms and subsidy packages. In the medium to long term, we would also like to provide job training and micro credit for teens and adults. A relatively miniscule amount of money can transform a person’s prospects from dismal to hopeful.

I have felt a desire to reach out in a prison ministry and have made some contacts. I am yet to visit a prison but hope to do so soon. As yet I am unaware of the ministry potentials there but I pray a friendly face and perhaps a few necessities can help to spread the light of Jesus. Again, in the medium to long term it would be great to have support and training programs for those leaving prison and the families of those in prison.

All of these thoughts and plans are in our minds and hearts. God wiling, they will blossom into fruit for His kingdom.

God bless you, Y4G team

Race – Part Two

March 25, 2009

What can we learn from this little illustration?

1) As Paul said, it is not for those that start the race well but for those who run the race to the end well. Being a ‘full on’ Christian is only a good thing if you can maintain your enthusiasm and you don’t give up when you hit some hard going.
2) Just because you can’t see the end of a hardship it does not mean you should give up. You have to push and push and push in the knowledge that he has your best interests at heart.

There was a woman trying to swim the English channel. Her mother was in a small row boat next to her. There came a point when the woman said “Mum, I have to stop, it hurts too much.” Her mother convinced her to keep going saying that they end was close. Not long after the woman complained of cramps and said she had to stop. Her mother convinced her to keep going saying the end was very close. Soon the girl complained that it hurt too much and insisted that she had to stop. The mother gave in and helped her into the boat. She gave her daughter a towel and a cup of tea. The woman looked up and saw that land was a mere 500 meters away. After hours and hours of struggling she had just minutes to go. She said “If I had known the end was so close I would have kept going.”

How many times have we given up when the end was ‘so close’?

3) Those that go too slow are never really in the race. God has huge plans for you !! Are you plodding along in your Christian life thinking it is about going to church or are you seeking His will in every part of your life. Starting slow is fine but you should pick up speed in your walk with God and eventually you will find yourself soaring with Him. We can do more than we ever conceived possible through the power of His spirit in us.
4) Do not use the world’s measure or other people to rate where you are. You may think you are more honest or loving or kind than those around you or than is expected only to find out that they have a bigger handicap than you (more grace/favour) Never be satisfied to be ‘good enough’ always try to be better.
5) The same is true for judging others. You never know how much grace/ favour they have
6) In all, the key is 2Peter 1:3-15….Keep trying to be better

Mother Terasa

“God doesn’t require that we succeed, He only needs us to try”

Salt and Light

March 20, 2009

The classic anti religion arguments are :

“ Religion has caused most of the wars in history.”
“ Look at the things done in the name of religion, the crusades, stoning etc”
“ People who claim to be religious are hypocrites.”
“ Religious people are arrogant.”

People look at Christians to know what Christ is like. Unfortunately, from what they see, they often don’t feel the need to look much further.

The fact is that we have an extremely important responsibility to represent God on earth. It only takes one mistake to destroy people’s opinion of Christianity. It’s not fair but we have to be pure and righteous so they have no opportunity to reject Him. We know it is not about us being perfect but they don’t. When they see us professing to be Christian but not paying taxes or smoking or lying or cheating or stealing or worshipping idols or being lustful, we have effectively let down God’s name.

One of my favorite stories to illustrate this point is :

A young girl went to work as a maid for a great queen. She worked diligently for one year and then went to see the queen.
She said “Mam, I will be leaving your employment soon.”
The queen replied “But I still need you. You have been a very good employee. Why are you leaving? Am I not paying you enough?”
The girl responded by saying “It is not that Mam. I came to work for you to observe how a Christian lives and treats people. Now I will go and work for a Sheik. From what I observe there and what I have observed here, I will decide if I want to be Christian or Muslim.”

What sort of reflector are you for his love?
Do people ‘see the good deeds you do and come to know your father in heaven?’
What does ‘the world’ see and report about Christians? Is it how much solidarity and caring they see between us?
Is it how generous and loving we are?

We do not have to ‘win’ people’s souls for God through our words and actions but it is very important that we don’t hinder His work either.

“ For it is from our lives, not our words that our religion must be known.” Abraham Lincoln

Short Break

February 23, 2009

I am having a week of prayer, reflection and fasting. I won’t be posting for a week or so. I pray God will bless you.
